As you read this article about encountering racism in historical books -- in particular, Dr. Seuss, consider these questions:
Watch this trailer for the film Loving. This film tells the story of Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple living in rural Virginia during the 1950s where interracial marriage is illegal. The film is now available on Amazon, HBO, or ImB.
After viewing, here are some reflection questions:
What message does Loving have for today? Though legal, do people accept interracial marriages today?
The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the US Consitution refers to the protection of individual life and liberty. How do you interpret "life and liberty?"
How do ordinary people become activists? Are there other ordinary people that come to mind as activists in our nation or the world?
Who stood by Richard and Mildred? How can you stand by those who are working to safeguard civil rights today?
There are currently causes for sainthood for five people of color who made a difference in the United States. You can learn more here.
This worksheet offers an opportunity to look at culture in a different way. Complete for your own culture, then complete as you see other cultures.