“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad
tidings to the poor...liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free.” Lk 4:18
Catholic social teaching is a central and essential element of our faith. Its roots are in the Hebrew prophets who announced God's special love for the poor and called God's people to a covenant of love and justice. It is a teaching founded on the life and words of Jesus Christ, who identified himself with "the least of these," the hungry and the stranger. (Mt 25:45)
As a Catholic faith community, we strive to respond to God’s call to serve those in need just as Jesus served. We do this knowing that every person is our neighbor and we respond to their needs with mercy, humility and the servant heart of Jesus.
Causes We Support
Bishop Sullivan Center - www.bishopsullivan.org
Bishop Sullivan Center One City Cafe: Our parish serves the homeless and working poor at the Bishop Sullivan Center One City Cafe the first Thursday and third Tuesday of each month. We serve already prepared food and beverages and help with kitchen and dining room clean up. The minimum age for volunteers is 12 years old. Currently, volunteers meet at One City Cafe. For more information, contact Janice Drake, 816.251.1103 or [email protected].
Click the Bishop Sullivan Button above for the volunteer sign up.
Gift of Warmth Coat Drive: Presentation Parish partners with Bishop Sullivan Center to provide brand new coats for families facing economic hardships in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Many of these families have never owned a brand new coat. This gift will keep them warm and ease a financial stress. After the collection, coats will be distributed through Bishop Sullivan Center’s Christmas program.
Catholic Charities - www.catholiccharities-kcsj.org
Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance Collection: Our parish supports the annual collection for the Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance Fund. Also, our parish school donates a portion of proceeds from their annual APEX Program to Catholic Charities. We also collect items for the agency's pantry located in south Kansas City.
Lee’s Summit Social Services - www.lssocialservices.com
Giving Tree Service Project: Each Advent season, Presentation Parish collects toys, clothes and other items needed by individuals and families in the area served by Lee’s Summit Social Services, and elderly persons in Care Centers through its Giving Tree Service Project. Trees with gift tags are placed in the Gathering Space from the third weekend of November to the second weekend of December.
Monthly Food Drive: A food drive is held the first full weekend of every month. (If the first weekend is a holiday weekend, the drive is held the next weekend) All donated food is delivered to the food pantry at Lee’s Summit Social Services, an organization that helps those in need in our community. Watch the bulletin for details of particular food items needed each month. Donations should be placed in the designated bins located in the gathering space.
School Supply Drive: Each summer our parish collects school supplies for families served by Lee’s Summit Social Services and for our parish programs. Watch the bulletin for dates for the colletion and supplies needed.
Operation Breakthrough - www.operationbreakthrough.org
Detergent & Diaper Drive: Presentation Parish coordinates a detergent and diaper drive in May to benefit families in need served by Operation Breakthrough.
San Rafael Cedros, El Salvador
[email protected] • 816.251.1135
El Salvador Committee: In 2006, Our Lady of the Presentation entered into a partnership of friendship and hope with the people of the community of San Rafael Cedros, El Salvador. The El Salvador Committee works to foster this partnership as they coordinate sponsors for high school and college students and educate the parish about life in El Salvador. The El Salvador Committee meets monthly. Contact Jo Engert, [email protected] or 816-251-1135.
Lenten Blessing Boxes: During the Lenten season, Presentation Parish participates in the "Blessing Boxes" almsgiving project. All monies collected support the Scholarship Program that serves high school and university students in our sister community San Rafael Cedros.
El Salvador Special Collection: In September, a special collection is taken to support the Scholarship Program that serves high school and university students in our sister community San Rafael Cedros.
Uplift Organization, Inc. - www.uplift.org
Uplift Organization has been taking care and compassion to Kansas City’s homeless since 1991. Our parish serves on the second Monday of each month (and second Wednesdays in peak seasons) by delivering already prepared meals and supplies to the homeless in downtown KC. Currently, volunteers meet at the Uplift Warehouse at 4pm and are finished by 10pm. The minimum age for volunteers is 15 years old. For more information, contact Janice Drake, [email protected], 816.251.1103.
Click the Uplift button above for the volunteer sign up.
Uplift Socks & Underwear Drive: Each Fall, our parish collects socks and underwear for Kansas City's homeless.